Exhibiting in Landscapes of Exploration

 Anne Brodie 2007. One of 40. Rothera bottle collection, made by inhabitants of Rothera scientific research station, Antarctica, in response to the question 'What does it mean to you being here?'


Anne Brodie 2007. One of 40. Rothera bottle collection, made by inhabitants of Rothera scientific research station, Antarctica, in response to the question 'What does it mean to you being here?'

Landscapes of Exploration, Arts University Bournemouth

National Touring Exhibition

Curated by Liz Wells

08 January  —  16 February 2015

Landscapes of Exploration is an exhibition which brings together work by all the artists and writers that have visited Antarctica with the British Antarctic Survey as part of it’s artists and writers programme.

Exhibiting artists and writers: Anne Brodie, Layla Curtis, Chris Dobrowolski, Chris Drury, Simon Faithfull, Neville Gabie, Keith Grant, Philip Hughes, John Kelly, Craig Vear, David Wheeler, Melanie Challenger, Jon McGregor, Jean McNeil

The exhibition was first shown at the Peninsula Arts Centre at Plymouth University during spring 2012.