My project proposal revolved around the dynamic and transient nature of the Antarctic environment and included film, sound recordings, temporary installations and the building of a glass furnace. Over the time I was there, I became aware of the extraordinary human / environmental interface which came to inform all of the work, and continues to be a source of creative investigation.
Two weeks of Antarctic light exposed on closed film
‘Air Slide 1, 2 & 3’, two weeks of 24hr Antarctic light exposure on closed film.
‘Wastegloo’ structure, made from igloo offcuts. Building this unstable, precariously balanced structure seemed a more appropriate response to the realities of the environment and the intense emotions it evoked.
Lives in Antarctica
‘Antarctica - a choice?’ glass and Pilots blood. One of a series bottles given to the the scientists and support staff at Rothera research station, and returned filled with whatever they felt best represented their lives in Antarctica.