House. Chris and Adam, Skyblu, Antarctica. Filmed during Antarctic residency 2007, edited 2013

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Sandy. Film made as part of residency at Timespan gallery, Sutherland 2009

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Breathing Berg. Part of a series of video work resulting from Arts Council/British Antarctic Survey International fellowship 2006/07

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Crossing the Convergence Zone. Part 2 of Antarctic series

Time-lapse film. Bioluminescent bacteria and teacup. Filmed as part of 'Exploring the Invisible' Wellcome trust funded Arts project, made in collaboration with Microbiologist Simon Park The movement is a previously un-noticed scientific phenomonen and now part of a mathematical research project. For more details see

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Participants filmed in the single wavelength light emissions of deep sea bioluminescent bacteria, with thanks to Microbiologist Simon Park Mouth blown lamp worked glass, bacterial culture 2009 2005 Bombay Sapphire Prize winning video, 'Roker Breakfast'. Film produced in collaboration with Ruth Dupre and Louise Gilbert Scott, with thanks to everyone at the National Glass Centre, Sunderland.