One of a series of short films made as part of 'Dead Mother' 2014. Supported by Wellcome trust and Arts Council.
'Does anyone ask you about her any more?'
Goldsmiths, New Cross, London, 2013
A huge thank you to those women who contributed to the days filming. It was an inspirational day.
Reminiscence bump
Autobiographical memories are not distributed equally across the life span. The reminiscence bump refers to increased recall throughout their lifetime by adults of autobiographical memories dating to the period of approximately 15 to 25 years of age.
This reminiscence bump has been suggested to support the emergence of a stable and enduring self.
See Self Centred Memories: The Reminiscent bump and the self, Rathbone C.J, Moulin, C. J. A. and Conway, M. A. (2008)
I'm not a Neuro scientist. Professor Sarah-Jayne Blakemore is and her explanation of Synaptic pruning and adolescent brain development will always be better than mine.
The Start
'The subject is important:it is a route to meaning that is not literal. It is an anvil on which the painting is fashioned. Painters look for subjects, and in my case, on this occasion, a subject looked for me'
Quote by Hughie O'Donaghue, Painting/ Memory
The idea started on my fridge door. I took a photograph of my mother who died when I was 14, turned it over and blu tacked it to a photograph of my children who she had never met. I wondered about the space in between that I had created, it certainly wasn't empty. It seemed to represent so many things. The photographs were representational of the boundary to my mothers absence but not an answer to what was in between. I wondered if it was significant that I was an adolescent when she died and I wondered about other peoples spaces.