In 2006/07 I was awarded an Antarctic international fellowship sponsored by the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) and the Arts Council and spent nearly 3 months living and working in the Antarctic at the BAS base Rothera and refuelling depot Sky Blue. A diary of my experience published weekly as the first 'Artists talking' online for a.n artists information co. while in Antarctica can be read here - a.n blog. All the following images are Copyright Anne Brodie.
Red Slide‘Air Slide1 and 2’ two weeks of 24hr Antarctic light exposure on closed film.

I was involved in the day to day workings of the bases which included refuelling twin otters, digging out frozen fuel barrels, recycling paper and plastic, and keeping a natural blue ice runway clear of snow. My project proposal revolved around the dynamic and transient nature of the Antarctic environment and included film, sound recordings, temporary installations and the building of a glass furnace. Over the time I was there, I became aware of the extraordinary human / environmental interface which came to inform all of the work, and continues to be a source of creative investigation.

‘Wastegloo’ structure, made from igloo offcuts. Building this unstable, precariously balanced structure seemed a more appropriate response to the realities of the environment and the intense emotions it evoked.

the beginning

alternative igloo made from igloo offcuts before reclaimed by wind and snow

‘A Choice’
‘Antarctica - a choice?’ glass and Pilots blood. One of a series bottles given to the the scientists and support staff at Rothera research station, and returned filled with whatever they felt best represented their lives in Antarctica.

Antarctica- a choice? Glass jar collection being installed as part of Festival @rt Outsiders, Maison de Européenne de la Photographie, Paris 2009

the finished installation

Digging ice block. With loads of help from everyone at BAS I was able to bring back an alternative ice core sample, a 90kg block of glacial ice
Digging alternative ice core from the surface of a glacier. Thanks to the help of BAS, the 90kg block of ice the ice piggy backed to the UK amongst the scientific cores. Unlike the scientific ice cores, which from the outset have a predetermined course and data gathering objective, bringing this ice back poses many questions about the role of sentiment, subjectivity and emotional attachment to the Antarctic environment, particularly if our only experience of it is through the interface of film and photography.
ice block
My Ice in Rothera research station freezer awaiting transport back to Cambridge.

plastic-installationplastic - an accessible entry into understanding the human interface of the Science base Rothera.

Air filled plastic and stone. Where is the air from?

plastic packing at the base

glacial ice and paper after 20mins

The environment is so overwhelming, and difficult to be human in. I felt a filter was needed. I scratched through tracing paper and placed in over my window. The following images were published in Next Level contemporary photography magazine.

Self made Glass furnace at Rothera. Made from recycled materials and used to melt waste glass at the base.

sea ice and glass threads


glass and metal hook 1

glass burn B&W photographic print

'Breathingberg' at Desgnersblock

[vimeo w=500&h=367]

V&A Installation

V&A silver cabinet close up

silver gallery cabinet detailV&A silver cabinet detail