'Going to Ouessant' video encounters Oct 11,12

Gin and Tonic video still

'Going to Ouessant' is an event taking place on the small island off the coast of Brittany on 11th and 12th Oct organised by Marcel Dinahet, Celia Cretien, FINIS TERRAE association. One of my films 'Gin and Tonic', filmed on board the James Clark Ross as we crossed the Convergence zone en route for Antarctica will be showing alongside 20 other contemporary artists showing video relating to themes of the sea, the littoral, insularity.

Silver Galleries V&A Installation

Walking into the silver galleries at the V&A after being asked to take part in the Friday Late series, took me straight back on board the ship to Antarctica… too much, too beautiful, too impossibly bright and shiny. It stopped me from looking. There could only be one possible response. Sometimes by taking something away do we only truly see it.There is also more to the silver galleries than the silver, I wondered when the last time someone walking through here looked up at the paintings and ceiling above the cabinets?

'BreathingBerg' at Margate Rocks

Margate Rocks on Sunday 4 May. Click for details.

Breathing Berg is one of a series of short films made as a result of an Arts council/ British Antarctic Survey sponsored residency in Antarctica. Most of the information coming out of Antarctica is scientific data monitoring the rate and implications of climate change, it is rigorously devoid of subjectivity. I felt a freedom as an artist to explore creatively the extraordinary world around me, and yet I was aware that the environment needed very little in the way of intervention, it already had its own voice; all it needed was a quiet witness. Most people watching Breathing berg for the first time make an assumption that it has been digitally manipulated. We have grown so accustomed to the slick tricks of the advertising industry that we find it hard to believe that something so unworldly can in fact be real. My part in making the film was to be a bystander with a film camera and make the decision to overlay the sound. Antarctica is a hard place in which to be a human being and I wanted to reflect this without being too interventionary.

'Breathing Berg' at George Polke gallery

George Polke exhibition card

George Polke is pleased to announce a series of exhibitions at 3.5 Frederick Terrace, our new E8 project space.

Every three weeks, two artists will be invited to each exhibit just one work.

SALONS held on the last day of each exhibition will be an integral part of the series, continuing the conversation. Please join us for talks by the artists and discussion with invited commentators.

The series will start with a video by Anne Brodie and a sculpture by Laura Morrison.


3.5 Frederick Terrace London E8 4EW Nearest tube Old Street or Liverpool St Buses 67, 149, 242, 243

All events are open to the public and free of charge Open fri/sat/sun 12-6 or by appointment

for further information contact Louise 07813306451 two@georgepolke.co.uk http://www.georgepolke.co.uk/